Guild Sales will be Open for business 11/19/2016
I am happy to announce folks that I am wanting to implement a new sales system into our guild! Being that we are and will always remain a smaller tight-knit type of guild we may never have a major guild vendor. But now we can make selling items fast and easy for you with this new system! I have thought long and hard about this and done the math of many different types of sales services the simplest, most mutually beneficial system i can figure out is this. Here's how it will work.
You will be selling your items directly to our guild by sending a request via in game mail to @Kin808 our Treasurer. We will give you 85% of the average MM price in an immediate gold payout. Our guild Treasurer is then responsible for selling that item at the full average MM price for a guild profit of 7%.
So for some quick math this is what it will look like
Your transaction with our guild treasurer
Bought your 10,000g Item - (15% Solemn and Grimora fee) = 8,500g to you
Our transaction with other major trading guilds.
Sold 10,000g Item - 8% (listing fee and Trading Guild Cut) = 9,200g equals a guild profit of 700g
***IMPORTANT*** In order to sell your items through our guild Treasurer's you need be a rank Crazed or above. All you need to do to be promoted to this rank is be a Looney and register on this website as a member. The rank of Looney is automatically given to anyone who lasts through the trial period of one week after being recruited. (For more information on guild ranks and how to obtain them look here: Guild Rank Meanings
Where will these profits go? They will directly benefit you by being deposited into our guild bank to be saved for the costs of future endeavors. The ideal situation is this service will be used often enough to perhaps purchase our OWN guild trader somewhere in Tamriel. OR cover the costs of raiding. Potions, Food, Repairs, purchase of necessary items that benefit the guild.